Hounslow Jamia Masjid and Islamic Centre

Sadaqa Jariyah Opportunity

Sadaqa Jariyah Opportunity

Last day of Ramadan – chance to have your deeds multiplied and any mistakes of the month forgiven
We have another opportunity for our brothers and sisters to earn everlasting reward
You have supported us with the 40 Hadith booklet which was distributed worldwide, the Little Library which is being installed after Ramadan, and the prosthetic limbs appeal
What is this new project?
We are producing a booklet for Raising Children – a handbook for Muslim Parents
Have your or your loved ones name mentioned in the print of the booklet for everlasting reward to whomever reads and benefits
If you would like to be part of this new project please donate generously at
and select Raising Muslim Children Booklet
Once payment is recorded we will be in touch for the names that you would like in the booklet
**TARGET – £500**