Hounslow Jamia Masjid and Islamic Centre

Useful Links

Let’s come together

Useful Links

Halal Monitoring Committee

Traditional Islam

Hounslow Social & Political Committee

Islamic Clothing

Decor and gifts for the home

Coronavirus and looking after your health

Hajj, Umrah & Religious Tours

Activities and Courses for people up North

Pledge towards Salawat recital or a global Quran completion

Books and CDs

Eat well (ensure what you purchase is halal)

Acts which bring reward from the Quran and Hadith

Allah has directly given us 100 instructions through Al Quran

Dua Guide

Etiquettes of Reading and Handling the Quran

Etiquette With the Messenger of Allah

Guidance pertaining to sisters

Guidelines of how to respect and love your parents

How to win your wife’s love

Mistakes in prayer


Praising the Messenger of Allah ﷺ too much 

Salutations When Visiting the Messenger of Allah ﷺ

Shaking Hands With Women

Spiritualism in the material world

Strengthening Iman by Ruqya

Studying on your own

Sublime Aspiration Translation of Husn-al-Maqsid-fi-Amal-al-Mawlid

Sunnah versus Bidah

Surah Yusuf

The Intermediary of Shirk

Ways to increase Rizq

What is a Madhhab

What is Fard for all Muslims to know

What is the distinction between hadith and Sunna

Who are the martyrs the Prophet peace be upon him asked