Weekly Gathering of Remembrance

The continuation of our faith depends heavily on the connection of the heart to Allah, His Prophet ﷺ and the Ulama who are able to fulfil the needs of our communities in their times.

Join us every week at Hounslow Jamia Masjid as we focus on the rejuvenation of the heart through spiritual healing practices

Under the guidance of the erudite scholar and spiritual guide, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

Every Thursday after Isha prayer
Venue: Hounslow Jamia Masjid | TW4 5HU

Visit The Lonely Service

Do you know of any one in Hounslow who is alone, lonely and would benefit from a visit from a group of volunteers? Please complete the form below on their behalf and we will assist in arranging a visit from the Mosque team


Join our Revert Network

New to Islam, confused, don’t know who to turn to or ask? Join our revert network for discreet support from a welcoming team
Simply click the link and fill in your details. Or scan the code on the poster
Or are you thinking of making the step and taking the testimony of faith to become a Muslim? Email us discreetly and we will respond within 24 hours

Weekly Seerah & Istighfar

Weekly Seerah & Istighfar

Starts Tuesday 29th October at 7.15pm every week

Led by Shaykh Ammar

Collective Istighfar and Seerah commentary

Open to all

Weekly Face to Face for Reverts

Weekly Face-to-Face socials for Reverts in Hounslow from Sunday 9th June 2024

London Muslim Converts (a project of Dārul Ikhlās) is pleased to announce we now offer a free weekly face-to-face social networking for our Muslim convert community and anyone interested in Islām in Hounslow, West London.

Where: HCC, Gresham Road, TW3 4BX
When: Sundays
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Who For: Revert Brothers & Sisters and anyone interested in Islām

This is an opportunity for you to:
– Get pastoral and spiritual care
– Receive classes in the foundation of Islām
– Network with like-minded individuals
– Address problems such as loneliness, rejection and isolation
– Receive mental health support

Free light refreshments will be provided too!


Face-to-Face Muslim Counselling Service in Hounslow (A project of Dārul Ikhlās)
Are you feeling:
Come speak with us by making an appointment either for face-to-face or online appointment where you will be welcomed and heard with empathy and in a non-judgmental way.
Spaces are limited and will be taken on a first come first served basis
All discussions will remain confidential
Face-to-Face Venue: Hounslow Conservative Club
Gresham Road
Day: Mondays
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Contact no. 07958 692871
Face-to-face service is strictly by appointment only

HJM Wills – Start your will today

Welcome to HJM Wills

Planning for your Hereafter

Although keeping an Islamic will is stressed upon in our religion, we often do not pay attention to it until it is too late. The Covid-19 pandemic is a lesson to us that we are closer to death than we think

We are delighted to inform you of our new Islamic will writing service, enshrined within the Shariah framework and fully compliant with English Law

Our expert team has extensive knowledge of both the provisions of Shariah law and the requirements under English law. We are able to provide tailored advice to your individual situation, ensuring that your Islamic Will is prepared in accordance with your faith. We can provide clear advice and planning in relation to many common issues faced when writing a Will according to Islamic law

Start your Islamic will today


For more details visit


Surah Al-Kahf Weekly

Every Friday at 11.15am in person before the weekly speech. Follow live on stream or in person

Regular Mosque Donations

Support your Mosque with a regular donation

Please set up £10 per month to support Hounslow Jamia Masjid – YOUR Masjid

Becoming a regular supporter means you give small amounts every month that make a huge difference

Regular donations give us a predictable income so we can commit to helping more people and facilitating more services

Your monthly donations will help support the following and much more:

By becoming a Regular Donor you will earn a share in the reward of all the work that we do

Reward for every salah that is prayed

Reward for every Ayah of the Quran that is recited

Reward for every person that learns about their Deen

Reward for every spiritual gathering that takes place

Reward for every person who is assisted

Reward for every person that takes Shahada

May Allah the Most Gracious accept it from you and us

We will use your donations in the best way possible to reach our common purpose of continuing to serve the thousands of people in our community

Set up your monthly donation: